Ochre, red, and blue trptych painting lynchd bottles in tree by flowerbed above boy in boat on underground stream with ladder, pier, caged monster, and island with dog by Steven L Jones
Dry (Under The Lynching Tree)
Acrylic ink on dyed paper with wooden frames
24" x 7.5" / 24" x 12" / 24" x 14"

We spend our life until we're twenty deciding what parts of our self to put into the bag, and we spend the rest of our lives trying to get them out again.

- Robert Bly, A Little Book on the Human Shadow

The colors of the seventies were pretty drab in comparison to those of the psychedelic sixties. The country was recovering from the turmoil of the Vietnam
War, and the desire for peace and calm was reflected in the dark wood and warm earth tones of the period.

- Bethany Seawright: Design Flashback: The Color of the 70's

Collection of Beverly Reynolds